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The app can be downloaded from Apple App Store and Play Store on most devices with Wear OS 2 or above, except the ones listed as unsupported below. However, some aspects of the app may not work on all devices.

For the best experience, we recommend Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / Ultra or Google Pixel Watch 2 / 3, the devices for which we have most thoroughly tested and optimized.

Devices we have tested so far, and their status:

StatusDeviceCompanion Software Required
Apple Watch SE, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, Apple Watch Ultra 1 & 2 (all sizes)Yes (Companion Apps)
Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / Ultra (All sizes and models)No
Google Pixel Watch 2 / 3 (All sizes and models)No
TicWatch E3No
TicWatch Pro 3No
Google Pixel Watch 1No
Mobvoi TicWatch Pro 5 (incl. Enduro)No
Google Pixel Watch 1

Note that WowMouse is not available on Play Store for Pixel Watch 1 since our gesture detection algorithm does not perform on it reliably enough.

Connected Devices (WearOS)

Most devices with support for Bluetooth HID (Human Interface Devices) should be able to connect to WowMouse. Here's a list of operating systems where we've been able to use WowMouse:

Windows 10
Windows 11
iOSWe recommend activating AssistiveTouch
iPadOSWe recommend activating AssistiveTouch
Android TVConnect from WowMouse via "Start Scan"
Samsung DEX
Meta Quest 2, Meta Quest Pro, Meta Quest 3, Meta Quest 3S, Magic Leap 2, Microsoft HoloLens 2
Spectacles 4, 5Custom Integration using TouchSDK/WebSockets
Brilliant Labs FrameCustom Companion using TouchSDK
Apple TV

Note that while most devices running the mentioned operating systems should be compatible, there may be some device-specific issues preventing connection.

Connecting WearOS watches to their companion phones

Samsung Galaxy Watches cannot connect to Samsung phones, and Pixel Watches cannot connect to Pixel phones when running WowMouse. This is due to WearOS security restrictions. Please use your watch with other devices instead.

Attempting to force a connection using third-party Bluetooth apps may trigger your watch to request a reset. We strongly advise against this.

Companion Apps (watchOS)

WowMouse for Apple Watch requires companion apps that need to be installed on your other devices to pair. We support the following companions with Apple Watch:

WowMouse Companions

Companion AppStatusInstructions
Mac CompanionDownloadSetup Guide
Android CompanionDownloadSetup Guide
iOS/iPadOS Companion🔍 In Exploration-
Windows Companion🔍 In Exploration-
Linux Companion🔍 In Exploration-

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